Jennifer Nakano


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science with a concentration in data scaience in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024.

Interests: Data Science, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics


Manoa ICStudy 2023

ICS students often spend more time than they need on their homework and don’t learn the material as effectively as they could, because they study alone and do not leverage the power of face-to-face study groups with peer mentors. Manoa ICStudy aims to help students create study groups to learn content efficiently and build everlasting relationships

Software Engineering JavaScript React Bootstrap Meteor MongoDB

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Fish tracking AI 2022

I was a undergraduate student reasearch under a professor and we worked on human-in-the-loop AI multi-object-tracking applications in the field of marine science.

Human-in-the-loop AI Python BitBucket Multi-object tracking Performance evaluation Marine science applications

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AI4ALL - Linear Regression on CO2 Data 2022

I worked in a team under the program AI4ALL and we created a linear regression model using CO2 data.

Python Linear Regression

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FIRST Robotics 2016-2020

I competed in the FIRST Robotics Competition in high school.

Java LabView Robotics

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Setting the Foundations as a Software Engineer

10 May 2023

Civil and structural engineers go through college in hopes of learning how to make sure our buildings and roadways are structurally sound. With a strong foundation, it’s possible to have large buildings that can withstand the forces of nature. Similarly,...

Software Engineering Coding Standards Agile Project Management Ethics in Software Engineering

The Power to Change The World is at Your Fingertips

02 Feb 2023

I want to help In medical school interviews the question, “why do you want to be a doctor?”, is often asked. Many of the answers to this question revolve around the basis “I want to help people”. Many interviewees are...

Software Engineering

With Questions Comes Learning

26 Jan 2023

The Nature of Questions We’ve always been assured that “there are no stupid questions” which is in part true, in order to progress our knowledge, we constantly as questions whether it be to ourselves or other people. As we get...

Smart Questions StackOverflow

Javascript For Dummies

18 Jan 2023

JavaScript: A New Frontier I’ve always seen cool websites/platforms such as Apple, Google, Netflix, etc., and I knew that I had to learn more about web development languages since they have become such an essential tool for students in computer...

JavaScript Athletic Software Engineering