The Power to Change The World is at Your Fingertips

02 Feb 2023

I want to help

In medical school interviews the question, “why do you want to be a doctor?”, is often asked. Many of the answers to this question revolve around the basis “I want to help people”. Many interviewees are warned that this is such a bland and common answer, but I feel like that’s the perfect answer.

Changemakers always have this idea that they want to help people, or society in some way or another, and I feel like this resonates with my motivation to become a software engineer. We all secretly know that some people major in STEM fields for job stability and monetary reasons, but I believe that technology has great potential to be beneficial for society. I want to utilize technology to build a better future for us all.

Building myself up

In order to become this changemaker I first have to develop my skills. A field that I have grown interested in is research and I’m hoping to gain more experience with different kinds of research. I still have a long way to go in terms of developing the tools I need to truly be able to make a difference, but I’m excited for this journey. Like Jane Goodall said “what you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”, and for me I’m going to make a difference using the skills and tools I pick up in my learning journey.